Community Leadership Academy with Justice Centre Hong Kong


"Nothing about us without us" is a motto that was shared with us by the team at Justice Centre Hong Kong - and one that has now become central to our approach at Amplify Consulting.

At Amplify, we are driven by a mission to create meaningful and lasting impact in the communities we work with. One recent project that embodied this commitment was our collaborative work with Justice Centre.

Empowering Refugee Youth

In August 2023, we were tasked with an important mandate: to establish an innovative leadership program targeting refugee youth in Hong Kong. By deeply engaging the very communities we sought to support, we were able to co-design an initiative that empowered these young people as the drivers of positive change. Thus, the Community Leadership Academy was born!

The Community Leadership Academy is co-designed and co-delivered by refugees, in collaboration with community initiative, Humanity Seekers. Through the Academy, refugees become empowered leaders, creating positive social change – as a community, for the community. 

This 10-week community building programme equipped participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to become drivers of positive impact, including the development of an 'action plan' to implement a collective goal for their community. The 2023 cohort decided that their collective action would focus on a community survey which they designed and delivered, interviewing 82 community members. We're so proud of their achievement!

Zamira proved to be an absolute powerhouse and drove our programme forward with fresh ideas and follow through. She is not only strategic and organised, but also extremely effective at ensuring buy-in and participation from key stakeholders. Along Justice Centre's learning journey to become better community allies, Zamira was instrumental in ensuring that our new programme was co-designed and co-implemented with refugees in Hong Kong, and that the young participants gained a strong sense of ownership and agency. - Lynette Nam, Executive Director, Justice Centre

Our Collaborators

About Justice Centre

Since 2007, Justice Centre has worked to support forced migrants access protection and basic services in Hong Kong, in support of the vision of Hong Kong as a welcoming and inclusive society. Their team consists of dedicated legal and social welfare professionals and refugee leaders with extensive experience in Hong Kong's non-refoulement protection law and practice.

Through community initiatives, Justice Centre's team supports community voices and helps the communities they work with to participate in Hong Kong society.

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